Field Guide Entries
Welcome to your one-stop resource on the Web for accurate information
on the wild
and wooly world of modern religious groups and teachers.
Groups, individual teachers, ideas, doctrines, and practices may be included in this
Guide because they have characteristics which fall under one or more of the following
areas of concern, or have intimate connection in some way with groups or ideas which
do. The overriding concern on all of these matters is that they may distract Christians
from the Simplicity that is in Christ.
- Religious settings in which the freedom of the individual to have a personal, one-on-one
relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father is inhibited in any way.
- Religious organizations, leaders of such religious organizations, and teachers who
in any way insert themselves or their system or their teachings between the individual
believer and that believer's immediate access to God ... and to the simple truths
of the scriptures.
- Religious teachings which subvert the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus and turn
faith and salvation and the daily Christian walk into a complex, convoluted process
through twisting of scripture and through requiring or encouraging extra-biblical
and unbiblical gimmicks and standards.
- Teachers or religious groups which take the simplicity of the truths of the Bible
and distort them to use for an illegitimate or evil purpose--whether it be to validate
their own warped views such as rabid racism, to justify oppression of one group of
people over another, to excuse their own sinful actions, or any other reason.
- Teachers or religious groups which, subtly or openly, strip from the individual believer
their right and/or ability to think and act for themselves under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit.
- Teachers or religious groups which use misleading tactics to obscure some of their
most fundamental beliefs from potential or new supporters.
For a more comprehensive overview of the purposes of this website,
use the navigation
bar at the top of this page to explore the Intro section of the site.
BLOGS by the webauthor of the Field Guide:

Wild World of Religion: Under the Big Top
It’s a 3-Ring Circus out there! Keep up with the latest news and activity in the
Wild World of Religion.

Prophecy Panic Button
The Rapture! The Great Tribulation! The Second Coming! Could you be Left Behind??
According to many prophecy pundits, The End is Nigher than Nigh! Prophecy Panic
Button takes a closer look, evaluating the never-ending hype of prophetic speculators
in light of what the Bible REALLY says.

Inspirational, motivational, and educational commentary from the webauthor of the
Field Guide.
Unless otherwise noted, all original material on this Field Guide website
is © 2001-2011 by Pamela Starr Dewey.
Careful effort has been made to give credit as clearly as possible to any specific
material quoted or ideas extensively adapted from any one resource. Corrections and
clarifications regarding citations for any source material are welcome, and will
be promptly added to any sections which are found to be inadequately documented as
to source.
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