OF RELIGION Field Guide to the

In a Nutshell

Monte Judah, founder of Lion and Lamb Ministries and editor of Yavoh, He Is Coming newsletter,  is a popular speaker on the "End Times Prophecy" circuit. Although his repertoire of teachings does include a distinctive element of Hebrew Roots concepts, including promoting observance of the weekly Sabbath and annual Biblical Holy Days, that is not really the emphasis of much of his teaching materials and lectures. Rather, he emphasizes his speculations about the imminency of "The Great Tribulation."


The Claims

Monte Judah is viewed by a growing number of prophecy students, particularly in Hebrew Roots circles, as having great insight into the correlation between contemporary world events and Bible prophecy. He is quoted on a number of websites as an authority on such matters, and has been a guest speaker at conventions and on radio programs such as The Prophecy Club.

The two most significant factors of Monte Judah's continuing teaching on prophetic matters is his record of making strong claims for specific time frames for End Time events, and his insistence that Prince Charles of England will be the one to fulfill the prophecies in the book of Revelation regarding "the Beast" whose mark is imposed on all mankind.



The Allure

For those with a Hebrew Roots orientation already, Monte Judah's ministry is appealing because his appearances in such settings as the Prophecy Club radio program promote Hebrew Roots teachings to an audience which might otherwise not be exposed to issues such as Sabbath and Biblical Holy Day observance. And because of the credibility this gives him in Hebrew Roots circles, an increasing number of Hebrew Roots students seem to be looking to him as an authority in the area of his specialty—prophetic speculation.

For those who have not been exposed to Hebrew Roots teachings before, it appears that perhaps the initial appeal of Monte Judah's teachings is the excitement of the air of bombastic certainty with which he proclaims his prophetic speculations. These are very troubled and uncertain times, and many folks are looking for someone to "make sense" of what is happening in the world. Once a reader or listener becomes convinced that perhaps Judah really does have an inside track on interpreting the Bible in prophetic matters, they may then begin giving more serious consideration to the Hebrew Roots topics which Judah promotes.




Monte Judah's Lion and Lamb Ministries, begun in 1995, seems to have grown quickly primarily based on the enthusiasm surrounding Judah's dogmatic prophetic claims. These same claims evidently also quickly became controversial. Consider this challenge by Monte Judah in the February, 1996 Yavoh newsletter (emphasis has been added by bold and red letters to call attention to the most significant aspects of this material):

After the Lord instructed me to do so,  I declared that the Middle East Peace Accord of 1993 started the  70th week of Israel. Therefore, I am warning others to look for  specific events to occur in 1996 and 1997 consistent with the  timeline and the center event of the 7-year period, the Abomination  of Desolation. To that end, I am preparing and warning others that  the Great Tribulation spoken of by Daniel and Yeshua will begin  Feb/Mar of 1997. These dates were set by God when He started the  70th week.

Because I teach people to look for specific things, I am criticized as  a "datesetter." But in defense of the argument, I remind people that I  didn't make the Middle East Peace Accord of 1993 happen, nor did I  select the Feast of Booths by the mouth of Zechariah. I am drawing a  conclusion based on a Scriptural understanding. Further, I have  openly called all men to examine my words and scrutinize them. If  what I say does not happen, then brand me as a false prophet, listen  to me no more, and heap the ridicule on to prevent others from  making the same mistake. But I would remind you in accordance  with the Scripture not to despise a prophetic utterance until it has  been proven false.

The irony of this whole situation is stunning. I call for the testing of  all prophets. I have made my message and its measurement clear. If  the altar is not stopped in Feb/Mar of 1997 in Jerusalem, then throw  me on the trash heap. But if the altar service is stopped 3 1/2 years after the peace agreement, will you then trust God to deliver you?  Will you believe the other prophecies that follow?


Obviously, this dogmatic prophetic proclamation failed miserably. And initially Monte Judah "apologized" for that failure and indicated he might be thinking of ending his ministry. However, like many other prophetic teachers whose dogmatic scenarios have failed, he quickly reevaluated his position. He noted that so many of his loyal supporters encouraged him to continue, and was later to claim that God told him to get back up. This, of course, was the same God that he claimed had "instructed him" to declare the failed prophetic scenario quoted above.

The problem in all of this is not just that Judah made a mistake in his "Bible interpretations," but that he claimed that his understanding wasn't just from his own studies, but from God directly "instructing" him.

He labeled himself with the term "prophet."

We have only three basic choices here. Either:

  1. Judah mistook the "instruction" of some other being for the instruction of God.
  2. He was not really instructed by anyone but spoke from his own heart and misled his followers to believe that he was being instructed by God; or …
  3. He was totally confused about how to receive instruction from God and mistook the imaginations of his own mind for instructions from God.


No matter which of these possibilities are what actually happened, the reality is that the supporters of Monte Judah had no rational reason, at the point his dogmatic declarations were proven wrong, to believe that he had any more true insight from God about prophetic matters than anyone else.

And indeed he did lose many supporters. Yet some of them continued to look to him for prophetic teaching. This irrational response is not unexpected. See the article elsewhere on this website that gives an overview of the social-psychological factors that come into play "When Prophecy Fails."


If Monte Judah would have abandoned his career as a prophetic teacher at the point in 1997 when his most notorious failure occurred, and had turned to merely sharing the "daily living" truths of the Bible and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, then there would be no need for this profile on this website. Unfortunately, he almost immediately went back to speculating on prophecy again, with almost as much dogmatism about his revised theories. And he has continued to do so to this day, in spite of continued dis-confirmations of his bombastic pronouncements.


When a dynamic, appealing Biblical teacher ties some sound Biblical teaching tightly to shaky prophetic speculation, there is a very great danger for the students of that teacher. If the students are drawn first to the teacher specifically because of their fascination with his prophetic speculations, and begin viewing such speculations as being solidly based in scripture, the danger is even greater. And if they further begin to believe that the teacher has a direct line to God, receiving "direction" from God in a way that is not available to just the average Christian, the danger is at its greatest. For if they become disillusioned with the teacher when his prophecies fail, they may very well jettison everything they have learned at his feet—including those concepts which really were sound Biblical teaching.

The following section will examine some of the continuing record of false prophetic speculation that Monte Judah indulged in after the failure of his 1997 scenario.




Emphasis has been added by bold and red letters to call attention to statements, related to the concerns above, by Monte Judah in the following excerpts.

The Yavoh newsletters from which these excerpts were taken were at one time posted on the web at Monte Judah's Lion and Lamb Ministries website. The complete text is in our private archival files. If the material was still on the Lion and Lamb site, a link would be provided so that the full text could be seen. We do not wish to misrepresent the material therein by leaving out relevant statements.  However, the Lion and Lamb website has evidently chosen to pull all the past issues from the site, prior to 2000. Perhaps these excerpts will give evidence of a possible reason that choice was made.

May 1998 Yavoh newsletter

Where are we in God's end time scenario? It is spring of 1998, and we are awash with signs of the end times. But, where are we exactly? How close are we to the Great Tribulation? Given that the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures are our compass and map to understand these events, what has happened, what is happening, and what is about to happen? Let's review five areas as to where we are and synchronize our prophetic watches ...

WATCH! Watch for the cornerstone to be set, the altar to be built and dedicated.
WATCH! Watch for the Great Tribulation to start with the shutting down of the daily altar service.
Do not speak against this altar when it is set-up! God will measure us all by where we stand with the altar. The altar is God's ownership mark on the earth, where His Name is placed, declaring that the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. Speaking against God's ownership mark is joining ranks with the antimessiah and participating in the abomination...

What can we conclude from all this information about the Middle East Peace Accord? First, September 1993 was not the start of the 70th week of Israel. We know this conclusively because the Great Tribulation (the altar shutdown) did not occur 3 1/2 years later (the winter of 1997). The OSLO II agreement was signed September 28, 1995. It could be the start of the seven-year period if the Great Tribulation begins in the winter of 1999. For that to happen, the altar must first be set-up sometime in 1998, so it can be shutdown to start the Great Tribulation day count.

If the altar is set-up and the Great Tribulation does begin in 1999, then pay particular attention to January 25, 1999. That date is 1,335 days prior to the Feast of Booths in 2002. Also pay close attention to February 24, it could be the day the image is set-up ...

1. In 1996 and 1997, we clearly saw the sign of the red moons on three Biblical holidays. Disturbing events happened in Israel with each one as well. The Scripture is clear that we would see signs in the heavens such as blood moons. The comet Hale-Bopp caused a stir in early 1996 and was a clear sign of destruction coming. Now that they have passed, does anyone remember the signs? Has anyone taken warning? ...

If the sun doesn’t get us, then the meteroids will. Apparently, on November 17, 1998 or November 18, 1999, the Earth will pass through the dust trail of comet Tempel-Tuttle. A meteroid (a tiny meteorite) storm will enter our atmosphere. This occurs every 33 years; but, this is the first year with satellites in orbit. These little specks of debris called the Leonid meteroid storm will threaten the world’s 500 satellites with the impact of .22 caliber bullets. Satellites don’t perform well after they have been shot-up like a road sign.

WATCH! Watch for big power outages, satellite communication failures, and increased radiation from the sun.

3. The astronomical community has made a clear prediction that the earth will be hit by a large asteroid within the next 3-4 years. This is a statistical probability. According to one scientist, Dr. Tom Garrels, the head of the NASA Spacewatch program, we will be hit and it will cause a deep impact into the earth causing dirt and debris to be blown into the earth's atmosphere. This debris will be sufficient to darken the sun for six months. It is not a question of if; it is only a question of when. This guy is not alone; this is the consensus position of the world's scientists. NASA and the USAF have active programs to catalog and potentially react to a Near Earth Orbit event. According to Revelation, the darkness will last only five months, but who is counting? ...

1. The Scriptures tell us that a prince of the people (Romans) who destroyed the sanctuary (temple) would rise to power and lead the world to great destruction. He is called the son of perdition (destruction) and he is ultimately judged by the Messiah King. This Roman prince is called the antimessiah and the beast.

It appears that such a man has emerged into the world that fits all the identifying prophecies of the antimessiah. His name is Prince Charles of Wales ...

There is more evidence to suggest that Prince Charles is the antimessiah than you have to prove your own identity.

WATCH! Watch everything that Prince Charles does and says, particularly if he goes to Israel.

2. Since the death of Princess Diana, Prince Charles has emerged on the world scene with unusual vigor and enthusiasm. Evidence is now mounting that he is pulling strings behind the scenes and accelerating the worlds move toward globalism - One World Government. His influential theme is under the banner of Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Business, and Sustainable Government. It is all the same thing - an agreement between business and government to operate in union with the environment. Those who get on board and cooperate fully receive favor ...

Am I saying that the Great Tribulation begins in the winter of 1999? No. I am saying it could and we will know for sure by the events in Jerusalem. Am I trying to alarm people and cause them to be concerned. No. The events themselves are doing that just fine. Have I lost my "marbles" and decided to "check out of this world" like a survivalist nut? No. I am watching closely and comparing actual events with Scripture. I’m saying it is time to be sober and wise about this subject. In the first century, spiritual thinking was dominated by Yeshua’s resurrection and ascending to heaven. Today, our thinking should be dominated by Yeshua’s descent from heaven and our resurrection.

Once the Great Tribulation begins, we will hold onto the blessed hope. We will count 1,290 days and then we will see...



October 1999 Yavoh newsletter

... With the September 13, 1999 initiation of the final status talks on Jerusalem, we appear to have entered the final year of the 70th week of Israel. There is only one more winter time frame for the Great Tribulation to begin in - the winter of 1999 and 2000. Last month’s article in Yavoh detailed what is converging on the year 2000. Aside from Y2k, solar eruptions, the Biblical year 6000-6001, the article focused on events leading to the start of the great tribulation. With these powerful evidences of God’s timing in our days, the diagram provided presents a possible 10-year sequence: 1993 to 2003.








... A huge question hung over me in 1997, 1998, and leading up to the present. If the Middle East Peace Accord was the prophesied agreement in Daniel 9:27, then where was the tribulation? I kept watching and kept looking for the Lord to manifest the truth. The whole matter began to weigh upon me as I saw events converging on the year 2,000. Finally, I asked the Lord to resolve the matter for me one way or the other by this fall holiday period. He has. My heart is vindicated. All the signs and the insight God gave me in 1983 leading to the 1993 start, the confirmation He promised me in the fall of 1995 has now been confirmed as well. It won’t be long now and everyone will see for themselves.

But the question I must face is how do I proceed in sharing this understanding. Specifically, do I warn my brethren that the Great Tribulation is about to begin in 2000, having been mistaken about it in 1997? I was convinced in late 1996 when I gave warning. Am I making the same mistake I made three years ago? Or is this like Moses who supposed 40 years to early that he would lead the exodus. Is this now the time to give warning at greater risk to my reputation and possible harm to the brethren? The answer, I believe, is found in the events that will happen this fall and early winter.

I am convinced even more so now than I was then. And, part of that conviction is the actual experience of having made my mistake in 1996. Call it tenacity if you will, but I believe it is part of the prophecy as well. My part then and still is Psalm 25:1-3. Let me not be ashamed, O Lord. Those who wait upon Me will not be ashamed. This is my heart, but the question remains as to what you are convinced of. Do you believe that we are in the 70th week, or is it another amazing coincidence?
I have waited for the Great Tribulation to begin for many years. I believe the Lord will vindicate my faith and those who dealt with me treacherously will be ashamed. This is the Lord’s promise.

Therefore, brethren, please be advised and give serious consideration to this matter. I believe we are watching the 70th week in action. If you believe that this is the 70th week of Israel, then you must conclude that the Great Tribulation begins this winter. The confirmation will come in the anticipated list of events. Let me say it again as clear as possible. IF you believe we are in the last year of the covenant with death, the pact with the grave, the peace and security agreement spoken of by the prophets, THEN you must believe that the 3 1/2 year great tribulation is about to begin.

Now is the time to make your final preparations. Now is the time to watch carefully. Don’t let the cares of the world weigh you down. Assemble with your like-minded brethren.

Consider this: We may be in His Kingdom is less than four years. The world is rapidly growing faint in the light of the last day. May the Lord bless and keep you all brethren. Next month, I hope to share with you what is happening with the European Union early next year. It, too, matches the prophetic events.


The following news blurb was published in the 12/13/1999 issue of the Journal-News of the Churches of God newspaper read by thousands of former members of the Worldwide Church of God. Judah's ministry has been gaining popularity in some exWCG circles for the past decade.

ANADARKO, Okla.--Twenty-five to 30 brethren of diverse Sabbath-keeping affiliations met at the home of John and Retta Trescott for the Feast of Tabernacles Oct. 25 to Nov. 1...

Monty [sic] Judah of Lion Lamb [sic]Ministries delivered an in-depth prophetic review of events to expect during the coming months. He concluded that the tribulation could begin by April 2000 on the heels of a failed Middle East peace-and-security agreement.

Evidence was given that Prince Charles of England may be the eighth head of the beast (Revelation 17:11), emphasized by the satanic symbols in the coat of arms of the House of Windsor.

"Will we, like the very religious leaders at Christ's time, fail to recognize the Messiah when He comes a second time?" Mr. Judah asked."


In early 1999, Monte Judah again addressed in the Yavoh newsletter the matter of his 1997 error. Below are excerpts from that material. As is obvious from Judah's comments here, he fails utterly to understand the real issue in his ministry. He wishes to paint anyone who questions his "credentials" as a prophetic teacher as someone who is "unforgiving." He implies that anyone who wishes to hold him accountable for his presumptuous declarations is just "attacking a brother." He insists that anyone who addresses the matter of his past mistakes is guilty of being an "accuser of the brethren." In fact, he labels all criticism of his record as being part of an "attack of satan" on him. But note that this article was written in April 1999. By October that year, he was right back to bombastic statements to his followers regarding a specific time scenario again. In spite of a smattering of "fudge words" in his pronouncements in the October 1999 newsletter above, the overall effect of his frantic hype (including "confirmation from God") on the average Monte Judah loyal supporter was no doubt that they would be absolutely convinced that the Tribulation was going to happen in 2000. It didn't.

The issue is not one of "forgiving" Monte Judah for his mistakes for which he has "apologized." The issue is his credibility and credentials as a prophetic teacher. He has proven time and again that he does not have special insight into any of the specifics of End Time events. Those who are unaware of his past record of failure may be swept along by the hype of his current teachings, unaware that their admiration of his aura of "deep insight" into the mysteries of prophecy is misplaced. All newsletters from before 2000, including the one below,  have been removed from the Lion and Lamb website. So there is no evidence left there of his record of prophetic failure. He is free to continue to issue articles full of hype about his latest speculations, with those new folks coming along to discovering his ministry free to be impressed with the alleged amazing insight of this "dynamic prophecy teacher."

Those who offer him their loyalty as a religious and prophetic guru may find themselves abandoning some of those true teachings which he may share about some Biblical matters when they become disillusioned at the continued prophetic failures he is undoubtedly headed for in the future.


April 1999 Yavoh newsletter   

The Bible does not hide the mistakes of our Patriarchs or the men of the Bible. You have heard the proverb, "To error is human." You need not look further than the Bible to see the legacy of many men whom have made incredible mistakes. It is to God's credit that the mistakes of men are not hidden and are dealt with honestly by the Bible. God doesn't gloss over the mistakes of men nor does He overstate and dwell on them. Yeshua's sacrifice is contrasted against the backdrop of man's sins and mistakes to bring forgiveness and reconciliation. The real message of the Bible is about reconciliation and restoration of man and his mistakes.

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. ROM 5:8

If the love of God is demonstrated in His sacrifice and resulting forgiveness for us as sinners, then it follows that our love of the brethren is demonstrated in our forgiveness of our brethren's mistakes as well. The commandment to "love one another" is not illustrated by everyone not making mistakes; it is best seen when brethren do make mistakes and they are forgiven and restored among the brethren. Every new believer receives this, why does it not extend to those brethren who make mistakes after they have been in the assembly for some period of time? Is our faith a "one-shot thing"? You are forgiven for all your past sins when you become a believer, but you are not forgiven should you offend one of your brethren later. The Bible does not teach that. Yeshua taught, "Father, forgive our trespasses even as we forgive those whom have trespassed against us." This thing about "loving one another" continues on day by day.

In recent weeks, some of my past mistakes have been brought up again. These are not mistakes that I have covered up or tried to hide. They are mistakes that I have openly confessed before God and my brethren. I have asked, bowing my heart before all, for forgiveness. My God has forgiven me and some of my brethren have forgiven me, but some have not. Some of my brethren have decided that my mistakes are so grievous and humiliating that I should never be heard from nor accepted into fellowship again. Unknown to my critical brethren, this is an effort of our common enemy satan to discredit, devalue, and destroy me and the service God has given me. It is discouraging to hear any report of brethren putting down other brethren. It is the dialogue you would expect among devils in the pit, rather than brethren in the pews. We Christians are the only people who shoot our wounded and feed each other to the meat grinders. We preach the virtues of forgiveness and being made whole, but we have no tolerance of one another. If our theology or eschatology differs slightly, we cast each other to the side and dismiss their testimonies in entirety. So much for loving our brethren.

I have felt the sting of brotherly betrayal. I know how fair weather friends are. Let me pose a question to you from Yeshua's perspective. Yeshua fed 4,000 people on one occasion and 5,000 on another. Where were those people after the resurrection when the Holy Spirit was poured out? According to the Scripture there were 120 present. Where were the other 3,880 to 4,880 believers? When Yeshua healed the ten lepers, only one returned to offer thanks. Do you remember Yeshua's question to His disciples after the one came back, "Were there not ten healed?" I find this same disparity when it comes to forgiveness among the brethren. I have ministered to thousands, but only a few have forgiven my mistakes ...

All of my brethren have made mistakes, some bigger than others, but mistakes all just the same. Some of the brethren are making some mistakes and don't even know it. Some brethren think that they are doing the right thing by accusing other brethren of mistakes. I think this is our biggest mistake. The devil is the "accuser of the brethren." The God we serve does not go around pointing out our wrongs or dwelling on them to destroy us. He seeks reconciliation, correction and the restoration of us all. When a Christian points out the mistake of another brother, no matter how accurate, and his purpose is not for reconciliation and restoration, then he is doing the work of the devil. The devil does not want to correct anything. He just wants to tear it down more. The devil wants to destroy, annihilate, devalue, cheapen, and decrease all of us. It is in the devil's best interest for us to do this to one another. God, on the other hand, instructs us to restore a brother and not destroy one another or ourselves ...


But has Monte changed his tactics in the intervening years? And his style of bombastic speculation, delivered with an air of assurance? And his fascination with Prince Charles as “The Beast”?


Yavoh April 2011: Article: The Beginning of Sorrows

In recent weeks, I have received calls to my office from brethren who think the world is about to end and wanting to know what they should do right now. The fear of the days we are in is now beginning to well up in the hearts of men. When they hear secular people talking about the collapsing dollar, nuclear meltdowns, or our own country changing, they are alarmed about what to do right now. Mix that with end-time prophetic signs popping up in spades and there are a lot of folks who are afraid.

Should we be preparing for the days ahead of us? Yes! But our preparation should match the threat and conform to Yeshua's counsel. First, God has said He is going to save us. God will never leave us or forsake us. Secondly, God has a plan and we need to be a part of that plan, not make our own plan and be separate from Him. So, let's be specific and answer a couple of questions I know you want to ask.

Do I believe that the end will begin this year 2011? Answer: No. Do I believe that the end will come in 2012? Answer: No. I don't think so. Do I believe the end will come in 2013? Answer: I don't know and you need to be concerned with what is going on right now in 2011.

Ask me this time next year and I will give you an update. Actually, you don't need to ask me. If I believe the end is about to start, I will let you know.


Question: Why are people calling Monte Judah at his office “wanting to know what they should do right now”? Obviously … because they believe him to have an inside scoop from God. Why?

Given his track record, I do not have a clue!


Yavoh May 2011: Article: The Sign of the End

Let's look at the "man of lawlessness" who is to come and proclaim himself above God.

First, you have to have a revived Roman empire for him to arise in. The present European Union seems to satisfy this requirement. The prophecy states that the "lawless one" must rise in the midst of ten rulers and receives his power from them. The European Union is still trying to forge their constitution; it has not been ratified yet. What is at stake is how the executive leader of the EU is determined. The European Council of Ministers is composed of leaders from the member states, but there are more than ten of them. They will have to somehow trim this council to only ten rulers before the prophecy can be fulfilled.

With regard to European leaders that could fit the bill, there is one leader who has stood out from the rest this generation. He has previously sought the executive position for the EU as a constitutional monarch, his name equals 666 in English and Hebrew, and a statue of his likeness has been planned proclaiming him as Savior of the World. His name is Prince Charles of Wales. However, most people scoff at the idea that he could fit the remaining prophecies.


Question: Why should anyone believe Judah’s continuing speculation about Prince Charles? Evidently for the same reason they believe he knows “what they should do right now.”  And what is that reason?

Given his track record, I do not have a clue!



In spite of Monte Judah's protestations in the April 1999 article quoted above, it is impossible to "restore" him  to his state before he made his false prophetic pronouncements in 1997.

He can be restored to Christian fellowship, he can be restored to the role of a servant of the brethren.

But he can't be restored to a position of a prophetic teacher whose speculations deserve to be carefully considered. For his record has shown clearly that he is a misguided man with delusions of grandeur about his prophetic calling at best—or a false prophet, speaking falsely about God's "direction," at worst.


The problem is not "forgiving" Monte Judah.

The problem is accepting him in the role which he insists on pursuing.

It is he who has destroyed his own credibility.


Web Documentation

The official website of the ministry of Monte Judah .


The following excerpt regarding Monte Judah is from a section of a book posted on the Web titled:

by Kelly and Diana Gallagher

This excerpt is provided for informational purposes only, and is not intended as an endorsement of either the whole book at the linked site, or of all of the authors' conclusions.


...The year 1997 is upon us. This writer and wife visited a church in Lewisville, Texas that had a guest speaker named Monte Judah. He is a true Jew, from the tribe of Judah. We visited him in his Messianic Jewish congregation in Norman, Oklahoma. He seems to be a nice man, very learned in the scriptures, espeically the Torah, or five books of Moses. Perhaps that is his problem, too much time in the Old Testament ...

Monte Judah is perhaps the most deceptive false prophet I have seen. He doesn’t seem greedy for money. He gives a message of repentance and fear of the Lord. He seems to live his message. It is really sad, however, that the "spirit" that gave him his revelations that Prince Charles of Wales is the antichrist and that the altar will be set up, the daily sacrifice of animals and the stopping of that sacrifice will all take place before March 1997. As of this writing, it is three months away. We have examined all his tapes and videos, which they generously gave to us and would not accept money (it was the Sabbath) - we later sent them a check to cover the cost of these items. He is convinced that the Lord told him that the last seven years of history began with the Israeli peace treaty signed in Washington, D.C. in September 1993 with Rabin and Arafat. Daniel 9:27 says that the antichrist will make a covenant with "the many" - the Hebrew is "la rabin" - a coincidence? The three and a half year mark will be March 1997. Prince Charles and the Pope are scheduled to go to Jerusalem at that time. It is rumored that the temple mount will be give to the Vatican to control to stop a war when the altar goes up.

All of this sounds possible, however, several things disturb us about Monte Judah. First, he is linked with Ern Baxter, a Kingdom Now prophet. He also has several strange ideas such as the fact that all men will be destroyed when Christ returns and it is us, in our resurrected bodies that will procreate and have children. Jesus’ new body was a body of flesh and bone and is fit for heaven, where they do not marry and have children. It is clear from scripture that not all men will be destroyed and that remnants from many nations will survive to go into the millenial kingdom with their natural bodies. The 144,000 Jewish witnesses, who are sealed, will probably repopulate the earth with the survivers in Israel, who flee to the wilderness.

... Monte Judah teaches a needed message to the church: we are going through the tribulation - there will be no easy out rapture before the tribulation begins. We need to prepare physically and especially spiritually. I am concerned that he will do more damage than good to the message after his predictions do not come true. Anyone who sets a date for the coming of Christ or the revelation of the antichrist, will be deceived and shamed. Jesus said that no man will know the hour of His return. The secret pride of being a "prophet" - especially with a unique message and predictions is very heady and deceptive. As Paul says, pride can cloud your mind - don’t let a novice be a leader in the church because pride can lead him to the condemnation of the devil. We have a more sure word of prophecy - the Word of God. We have a more sure spiritual guide - the Holy Spirit within us. He will reveal to us what we need to know. I believe that He wants to guide us day by day and that He is working to make us holy rather that to inform us what is the number of the beast.



Monte Judah is just one of many would-be prophecy pundits in the Wild World of Religion. The following books contain documentation and commentary on the many varieties of End Times Prophecy speculation, and assist the reader in evaluating the validity of the claims of the pundits.


Armageddon Now! The Premillenarian Response to Russia and Israel Since 1917
Wilson, Dwight
Baker Book House, Gr. Rapids MI
(history of prophetic speculation from 1917-1977)


Doomsday Delusions: What's Wrong with Predictions About the End of the World?
Pate, C. Marvin; Haines, Calvin B. Jr.
Intervarsity Press, Downer's Grove IL


The Gentile Times Reconsidered: Chronology and Christ’s Return
Jonsson, Carl Olof
Commentary Press, Atlanta GA
1983, 1998
(evaluation of the Jehovah's Witness speculation on End Time prophecy)


The Last Days Are Here Again
Kyle, Richard
Baker Book House, Gr. Rapids MI
(history of prophetic speculation)


Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession
Fuller, Robert
Oxford University Press, New York NY


The Sign of the Last Days: When?
Jonsson, Carl Olof and Herbst, Wolfgang
Commentary Press, Atlanta GA
(overview of Jehovah's Witness speculations on prophecy)


Soothsayers of the Second Advent
Alnor, William M.
Fleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan NJ
(Profiles of a number of current prophecy teachers)


When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World
Festinger, Leon; Riecken, Henry W.; Schachter, Stanley
Harper & Row, Publishers, New York NY

Author Festinger, a social psychologist, coined the term "cognitive dissonance," and introduced it to the general public in this work. The book is considered a classic in the field of Social Psychology. Festinger and his social-psych team were interested in testing a theory they had about how people in religious groups which dogmatically predict a date for "the end of the world" respond when the prediction fails. They happened to stumble on a small group just forming around a woman who claimed to be receiving messages from extra-terrestrials. She declared that a great series of natural disasters would occur on earth on December 21 of the current year, and that only those who heeded the messages of her unearthly contacts would be rescued. The book first surveys the history of "End Times prophecy" teachers and groups from the first century to the 20th. And then it describes how they were able to infiltrate this growing cult with research assistants and obtain reports of the reactions of the members before and after the date of the predicted "End." For more details on the book, see the When Prophecy Fails section of this Field Guide.


When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture
Boyer, Paul
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA


End Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon?
Abanes, Richard
Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville TN
(history of prophetic speculation)


Check out the Field Guide Profile on the End Times Prophecy Movement for more information on related topics.




Unless otherwise noted, all original material on this Field Guide website
is © 2001-2011 by Pamela Starr Dewey.

Careful effort has been made to give credit as clearly as possible to any specific material quoted or ideas extensively adapted from any one resource. Corrections and clarifications regarding citations for any source material are welcome, and will be promptly added to any sections which are found to be inadequately documented as to source.


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